Year: 2021


DevOps – Explained

With changing times, the one industry which is continuously growing and changing is I.T industry. And the need of the changing world from this industry is to deliver, quality product or software solution, along with fast paced development and quicker time to market. Whether, it is

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Cyber security – Techniques to overcome cyber security

Cyber security – Techniques to overcome cyber security risks

Internet is the most widely used resource and has been serving as the most important part of everybody’s day to day life. In general, Ipv4 and Ipv6 are acting as the backbone of the internet resources. Since, internet is highly social, there are chances of making

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Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Test Automation leaves automation engineers jobless?

Test smarter and not harder – is a slogan of Software Testing and Quality Assurance. While complexity of application increases, it is fair enough to implement test strategy intelligently that reduces time to quality

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IOT – Internet of Things

Kevin Ashton – Father of Internet of Things, in short IOT. For Kevin Ashton, the co-founder of Auto-Id Center, back in the year 1999, had decided to find out the holes in data about the supply chain

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Mobile Pen testing: A dynamic Analysis

The primary work of mobile pentester is static and dynamic analysis of applications using some predefined tools like Jd-GUI or Frida and Objection. In this blog we will cover some concepts of dynamic analysis of android apps.

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