Artificial Intelligence and its uses in the healthcare industry

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Artificial Intelligence and its uses in the healthcare industry

We all remember the world’s first human-like AI robot Sophia who changed the thinking of people that technology can do anything that a human does. The AI is defined as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines. In a sense, AI is a technique of getting machines to work and behave like humans. In the recent past AI has been able to accomplish this by creating machines and robots that are being used in a wide range of fields including healthcare, robotics, marketing, business analytics and many more.

However, many AI applications are not perceived as AI because we often tend to think of AI as robots doing our daily course but the truth is artificial intelligence has found its ways into our daily lives. For instance, have you ever wondered how google is able to give you such accurate search results or how your Facebook feed always gives you content based on your interests? The answer to these questions is Artificial Intelligence.

Therefore, AI is the science of getting machines to mimic the behaviour of humans. For example, in the financial sector, JP Morgan’s G’s contract intelligent platform uses Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and image recognition software to analyse legal documents and extract important data points and clauses in a matter of seconds.

Artificial Intelligence in healthcare industry

Despite the fact that AI invokes fear in most of us it is benefiting us in numerous ways. Al in healthcare is revolutionizing the medical industry by providing a helping hand. Though AI is impacting in various domains including marketing, finance, gaming industry and even the music. However, the largest impact of AI is been in the field of healthcare.

As per the latest report, AI is estimated to contribute over $15 trillion to the world economy by the year 2030 and the greatest impact of AI will be in the field of healthcare.

What led to the sudden importance of AI in the healthcare industry?

So, there are two major points of which have made AI so impactful in the field of healthcare:

A) High availability of medical data

With tons and tons of medical data in the form of medical history, whenever we go to any hospitals our history is written down in accounts. So, with the availability of data, implementing artificial intelligence became much easier. The AI is based on technologies such as deep learning and machine learning.

B) Development of complex algorithms

What happens in machine learning is, it is not capable of handling high dimensional and particularly the medical data that we have is very high dimension in character. The data is very vast that there are thousands of attributes. In order for us to process and analyse data of this dimension is hard to do with machine learning but as soon as deep learning and neural network was introduced this became much easier by solving complex problems that involve high dimensional data.

Some of the use cases of AI in healthcare industry

AI in managing medical data: Nuance – It provides AI-powered solutions to help doctors cut documentation time and improve reporting quality.

AI in medical diagnosis: VoxelMorph a neural network that was trained on a data set of approximately 7000 MRI scans.

AI in early detection: FitBit, Apple watch health trackers that are being developed to monitor the health of a person and display any warnings when the device collects something unusual.

So, they were a couple of real-world applications about the impact of artificial intelligence in healthcare industry. GRhombus Technologies provides AI as a software service and scale-out systems designed for delivering cloud-based analytics and AI services.

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