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What is Automotive Security Testing?

Automobile penetration testing, also known as automotive penetration testing or car hacking, is a specialized form of security testing focused on identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in the electronic systems of vehicles. This process involves simulating real-world cyberattacks to assess the resilience of a vehicle's software, hardware, and communication networks against malicious actors.
During automobile penetration testing, security experts attempt to exploit potential vulnerabilities in various components of the vehicle, including its infotainment system, onboard computers, telematics systems, wireless communication modules, and other electronic control units (ECUs). These tests often involve techniques such as reverse engineering, fuzzing, and exploiting software bugs to gain unauthorized access or control over critical functions of the vehicle.

Key Features

Identifying vulnerabilities

Discovering weaknesses in the vehicle's software, firmware, and network infrastructure that could be exploited by attackers.

Evaluating security controls

Testing the effectiveness of security measures such as access controls, authentication mechanisms, encryption protocols, and intrusion detection systems.

Recommending remediation

Offering recommendations and guidance for mitigating identified vulnerabilities and improving the overall security posture of the vehicle.

Assessing attack surfaces

Analyzing the entry points and potential attack vectors that adversaries could use to compromise the vehicle's security.

Demonstrating risks

Providing stakeholders with concrete evidence of the potential consequences of security breaches, including impacts on safety, privacy, and vehicle functionality.

Automotive Security Testing Includes

Types of Automotive Security Testing

The penetration test or pen test captures certain types of security weaknesses like unintended user action and associated architecture flaws more effectively than others. We all are aware that the penetration test is a late cycle activity with a huge resource crunch and time constraints. Therefore, we need a focused testing approach, risk-oriented grey-box penetration test solves this issue.


Grey-Box penetration test is like the black-box pen test, where the system is treated from the outside, however in this case, the tester is having the high-level architecture knowledge and carries out the pentest based on his acquired experiences and architecture specific heuristics. This makes the Grey-box pentest an intelligent security testing mechanism. We perform a systematic and through Threats Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA) at the concept phase and utilizes the output in carrying out our novel grey-box penetration testing.

Our grey-box approach provides several advantages

• Risk-based testing with a customized and thus efficient grey-box methodology
• Easy to understand, asset related results with a clear structure
• Prioritized list of findings based on the impact categories

Grey-Box Penetration Testing facilitates

Interface Discovery

All available hardware interfaces of the system will be determined,and preliminary tests will be performed to detect target responsiveness towards communication attempts over the respective external interface.

Network Discovery

The network traffic will be analyzed to determine used protocols, communication patterns and determine the systems baseline behavior.

Network Penetration Test

With the information from network discovery, we are able to mount network-based attack against the system, using low-level access to the bus to stress the DUT with forged frames.

Software Penetration Test

Through reverse engineering vulnerabilities are searched and possible attack vectors determined.

Automotive Penetration Testing Methodology and Approach

Automotive penetration testing methodology involves a systematic approach to identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities in vehicles. While specific methodologies may vary depending on the organization or security team conducting the testing, here's a generalized outline of the process:

By following a structured automotive penetration testing methodology, security teams can effectively identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities in vehicles, helping to enhance the overall cybersecurity resilience of modern automotive systems.

Tools and Techniques

S.No Category Tools
1. Operating System Kali Linux, Windows, Parrot OS
2. Framework ISO/SAE 21434, UNECE WP.29 Regulation No. 155, SAE J3061, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Autosar
3. Scanning Nmap, Hping, Zenmap, CANutil, SocketCAN, CANBus Triple, Kvaser CANlib SDK, CarShark, Uptane
4. Fuzzing CANutil
5. Vulnerability Assessment Burp Suite Pro, American Fuzzy Lop (AFL), SocketCAN, CANalyzer/CANoe
6. Exploitation Metasploit Framework, GitHub Scripts, Sqlmap
7. Traffic Analysis Wireshark, TCP dump