Category: Blog

What are the Latest Development in the Field of Edge Computing

What are the Latest Development in the Field of Edge Computing?

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the location where it is needed, to improve response times and save bandwidth. It’s designed to help solve the problems that arise from the centralization of data processing and storage in

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What is SnowFlake?

In today’s world, cloud computing and data warehousing are key components to organizational success. They help organizations stay agile and cost effective without compromising on other factors like data integrity, security etc. Further, by consolidating data in a single warehouse, there is improved visibility, centralization and

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How does AI as a Service work

How does AI as a Service work?

AI as a Service (AIaaS) refers to the provision of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, technologies, and algorithms as a cloud-based service over the internet. Some of the most popular service providers include AWS web services, Microsoft Azure machine Learning, tools from IBM and Google’s cloud platforms.

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DevSecOps: A Trend in DevOps

DevSecOps: A Trend in DevOps!

DevOps is an approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. Some of the key advantages of DevOps are: Faster development of solutions and time to market Higher quality is achieved as defects in software development and coding is reduced.

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What are Contactless Technologies Like NFC and RFID?

What are Contactless Technologies Like NFC and RFID?

The term contactless technology refers to a group of special technologies that allow for communication or transactions without the need for physical contact between two objects or devices. Some of the examples of contactless technologies are: Near Field Communication (NFC) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Bluetooth Low

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What are Microservices and Some Use Cases Associated with the Same

What are Microservices and Some Use Cases Associated with the Same

Software and programming have revolutionised the way we work and have positively impacted human life at every level. Today, there is no field in the world that is immune to the software revolution. Traditionally, software development proceeded on a monolithic architecture. In such a case, the

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What Does Datafication Mean?

What Does Datafication Mean?

Datafication refers to the process of turning various aspects of everyday lives of people like their behaviour, transactions made, social interactions etc into data in a structured format. This data can then be analysed using various data-analysis techniques and advanced technologies to glean information. Technologies and

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What is the Transformative Impact of 5G Technology

What is the Transformative Impact of 5G Technology?

The fifth-generation technology of mobile networks is known by the acronym of 5G has grown to become a world-wide phenomenon. With the Internet having become a part and parcel of everyday life and mobile phones ubiquitous, it is natural that technology keeps on evolving and its

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Role of AI in Self Driving Cars

Role of AI in Self Driving Cars

Driverless cars (also known as autonomous cars or self-driving cars are the latest innovations in technology. Right from Uber to Google, a lot of companies including automotive companies are investing in this technology to make driving easy. It uses a combination of sensors, cameras, radar, and

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Know All About AI Chatbots – Microsoft Bing AI. Google’s Bard and Open AI’s ChatGPT

Know All About AI Chatbots – Microsoft Bing AI, Google’s Bard and Open AI’s ChatGPT

Human conversations and expressions have existed since time immemorial and in today’s world, communication plays a critical role in maintaining human relationships and understanding. Conversations need to be real for humans to add value to any endeavour. With the growth of AI and machine learning, chatbots

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