Category: Blog


What are the trending software in mobile app development?

With mobile devices becoming a part and parcel of our lives, more and more functions are being added to mobile phones. Right from monitoring health to opening doors, a lot of functions have just become part of a mobile phone. For each of these functions, an

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What are the Trending Practices in Mobile App Automation Testing?

Mobile phones have now enlarged in function to become an all-encompassing devices that is touching almost every aspect of our everyday life. The primary driver for this progress has been the ability to develop various mobile applications to enhance their value and function. Given their critical

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What are the Trending Cybersecurity issues and their Solutions?

With the Internet becoming a part and parcel of our lives, cybersecurity has emerged as a key aspect. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from wilful or malicious attacks, damage, or unauthorized access from both internal and external sources.

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Tailwind CSS Vs Bootstrap

Bootstrap Or Tailwind CSS – Who Wins The Battle?

Bootstrap and TailwindCSS are two leading front-end framework tools to help create faster, more efficient websites with less coding. Both of these tools, while similar in many ways, have some key differences that can make them better or worse depending on the specific project you are

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The Memorable User Experience How Front end design and UI UX go handinhand

The Memorable User Experience: How Front end design and UI/UX go hand-in-hand

You can’t have a great user experience without front-end design and UI/UX. To achieve great UX, both parties work hand-in-hand, but they are not the same thing. Front-end design and UI/UX are two separate disciplines that are equally important to creating an outstanding user experience that

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Zero Trust in Cybersecurity Everything You Need to Know

Zero Trust in Cybersecurity: Everything You Need to Know

Security threats are everywhere these days, and they’re only getting worse as more of our day-to-day activities move online. To counter this, some companies are adopting Zero Trust cybersecurity practices as part of their security strategy. But what exactly does it mean? And does it work?

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The 5 Key Elements Of A Test Automation Platform That Every Tester Needs To Know

The 5 Key Elements Of A Test Automation Platform That Every Tester Needs To Know

If you’re involved in testing, chances are you’ve had to deal with the tedious tasks of manual testing and checking that everything works properly. While there are certainly some things that can only be handled manually, it’s worth investing in test automation software if you can.

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Fine-Tuning Customer Experience with Adobe and Salesforce

Fine-Tuning Customer Experience with Adobe and Salesforce

Over the last few months, Adobe and Salesforce have announced updates to their tools that will change the way marketers and sales professionals work with customers and prospects. These updated tools are designed to provide businesses with more data about their customers, allowing them to create

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How to Plan Your Own E-Commerce Website Development Step by Step

How To Plan Your Own E-Commerce Website Development Step By Step

Introduction If you are planning to launch your eCommerce website development project, then it is important for you to know the steps that will make your project go smoothly and successfully. The following points can help you get started with planning. Complete Market Research: Market research

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Data Science vs Data Analytics_ Knowing Their Differences

Data Science vs Data Analytics: Knowing Their Differences

Introduction: The terms “data science” and “data analytics” are often used interchangeably, but they actually mean different things. Understanding how to tell them apart can help you choose your preferred approach to a problem, and decide if it’s worth spending money on one or the other.

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