Tag: Cyber Secuity

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Continuous Security: Integrating Security Throughout the Software Development Lifecycle

Continuous Security: Integrating Security Throughout the Software Development Lifecycle

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the importance of integrating security measures throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) cannot be overstated. This approach, known as continuous security, aims to embed security practices and checks from the initial stages of development through to deployment and maintenance. Continuous security

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What are Digital Twins and What are Their Applications

What are Digital Twins and What are Their Applications?

Imagine for a moment that you are an engineer standing in front of a real-world steam turbine. We wish to simulate certain parameters or test a new design but are unsure of the outcome. The real-world performance and data will also need to be mapped and

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Natural Language Processing and Trends in the Same

Natural Language Processing and Trends in the Same

Since time immemorial, humans have used language and speech as a medium of communication of thoughts. As computers evolved, they had their own programming languages and codes. Software became advanced over time and coupled with hardware advancements, the potential for computer applications became endless. The next

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What is Hyperautomation Testing

What is Hyperautomation Testing?

It is no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have revolutionized different aspects of various industries and business verticals. They have helped create new business models, add efficiency into the system and even understand customer perceptions and interactions better. One area where AI,

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What is Cryptocurrency and What is Its Impact on the Market

What is Cryptocurrency and What is Its Impact on the Market?

Money is fundamental to human life and economic growth. Money allows for the exchange of goods and services and quantifying them in a tangible fashion. Similarly, the concept of money helps in storing wealth and allows for valuation and comparison. It greatly expands the scope of

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What Does Datafication Mean?

What Does Datafication Mean?

Datafication refers to the process of turning various aspects of everyday lives of people like their behaviour, transactions made, social interactions etc into data in a structured format. This data can then be analysed using various data-analysis techniques and advanced technologies to glean information. Technologies and

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What are the Trending Cybersecurity issues and their Solutions?

With the Internet becoming a part and parcel of our lives, cybersecurity has emerged as a key aspect. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from wilful or malicious attacks, damage, or unauthorized access from both internal and external sources.

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Zero Trust in Cybersecurity Everything You Need to Know

Zero Trust in Cybersecurity: Everything You Need to Know

Security threats are everywhere these days, and they’re only getting worse as more of our day-to-day activities move online. To counter this, some companies are adopting Zero Trust cybersecurity practices as part of their security strategy. But what exactly does it mean? And does it work?

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