The Memorable User Experience: How Front end design and UI/UX go hand-in-hand

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The Memorable User Experience How Front end design and UI UX go handinhand

You can’t have a great user experience without front-end design and UI/UX. To achieve great UX, both parties work hand-in-hand, but they are not the same thing. Front-end design and UI/UX are two separate disciplines that are equally important to creating an outstanding user experience that works flawlessly and in harmony with the brand as well as the business objectives of your company or organization. Here’s how each one fits into the larger scheme of things—and how they should function together to create one memorable user experience that keeps visitors coming back again and again!

Define your goal

Your goal is to give your readers an understanding of what it takes to create a memorable user experience by touching on the front-end design process. The first step is to define the goals you want your reader to have as they read this post. It’s important that you understand what these goals are before moving on so that you can set up your content accordingly. You might say something like I want readers to understand how UX and UI go hand in hand in the creation of a memorable user experience. Next, outline what information you need to provide to accomplish those goals. This will help make sure that everything you write is relevant and supports your purpose for writing this blog post.

Research for process

Research is the first step to ensure that you are designing with your user in mind. The research phase is where you analyze what your users are looking for and what they want. It’s important to know who your users are, as well as their needs so that you can create a product that will work for them. You’ll also want to find out which platforms or devices they use when they’re on the internet. For example, if a user primarily browses on a phone but uses a desktop computer at work, it’s likely that their experience will be different based on the device they’re using.

Wireframe your website

Designers can start by sketching out the layout of the site. The user experience is most important, which means that they should try to focus on making a plan for what users will see first, second, third, etc. They’ll need to think about navigation, where information will be placed, and how to make it easy for users to find what they’re looking for in the shortest amount of time. Once they’ve figured that out, they need to move on to sketches or wireframes of how the site might look as a whole.

Add UI elements

User Interface (UI) design is the process of designing how a product looks. The goal is to make the user feel comfortable, confident, and in control while using your product or service. This can be done through things like colors, fonts, wording, images, icons, layouts, buttons, etc. One of the most important principles of good UI design is that it should always follow these three steps: minimize unnecessary complexity; maximize simplicity; introduce intuitive controls. These steps should be followed in order to create an experience that your users will love.
Start with a simple layout that uses clear and easy-to-understand controls so that your users know where they are at all times.

Test it out with real users

The next step is to test your designs with real users. You’ll want to make sure that the designs are intuitive, user-friendly, and helpful. Be on the lookout for signs of confusion or anything that makes you think why would anyone do that? Remember that different people will have different reactions to your design, so don’t get discouraged if one person doesn’t like it. But a large amount of negative feedback might point to something you should reconsider or change.

Revise accordingly

At the core of every app is the user experience. In today’s world, it is not enough for an app to be functional; it also needs to be memorable. Designers are tasked with creating a seamless experience between the front end and back end by making sure each component communicates effectively with the other. The process of designing an app goes beyond just putting things on a screen, there’s a lot more that goes into creating the perfect user interface. Today we’ll take you through how front-end designers use their skills in conjunction with UI/UX designers to create a memorable user experience.

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