What is Cloud-Based Cross-Browser Testing?

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What is Cloud-Based Cross-Browser Testing?

Web applications and websites need to work across a variety of operating systems and browsers like Apple Safari, Google Chrome etc. So how can working successfully be ensured? It is done with proper testing and that happens with cloud-based cross-browser testing.

Cloud-based cross-browser testing in simple terms is the process of running tests on different combinations of browsers, versions, and platforms to ensure that the application or website functions correctly, the UI and UEX are OK and stable across various environments. Compatibility issues, bugs and functionality can be perfectly assessed and fixed and right-first time can be achieved.

Advantages of cloud-based cross-browser testing are:

1. Devices count reduced:

Cloud-based testing allows developers and testers to access a wide range of browsers, operating systems, and devices from anywhere with an internet connection. This accessibility eliminates the need for physical devices and enables testing on platforms that may not be readily available locally.

Further, different browsers and configurations can be tested easily in a single environment.

2. Scalable testing and increase in efficiency:

Any testing activity can be scaled up. Any devices and browsers not available locally can also be checked and tested. Multiple tests can also be run in parallel, and this improves testing efficiency. This will ensure faster time to market and quicken the release cycle.

3. Collaborative working

Many cloud-based cross-browser testing platforms and companies allow for collaboration at work. In a post-pandemic remote work scenario, this is especially a boon. Teams can track issues in a centralized fashion, share results and communicate effectively.

4. Cost

Purchasing different physical devices can be expensive and so is maintaining local test infrastructure. Cloud-based services offer pay per use and other flexible pricing models depending on the need. Thus overall, there is a high level of convenience for a reasonable cost.

5. Test coverage

With the latest infrastructure for testing, developers and testers are empowered to offer better test coverage. Further, this helps ensure compatibility and improves the overall quality of the product by identifying and addressing issues specific to different platforms.

So how can cloud-based cross-browser testing be made more effective? The following strategies can add value to an enterprise.

1. Users are left-right and center!

Always test the product from a user perspective and based on data from analytics. The focus areas are the ones with maximum impact.

2. Automate and keep automating

Testing can be a long-drawn and frankly boring process. The best way to overcome user fatigue is to automate repetitive tasks, those that require a step-by-step process and those that may take too much time.

3. Use all features

Many cloud-based cross-browser testing platforms have multiple features. By understanding the nuances of the setup, it is possible to build more efficiency into workflows.

4. Feedback loops

Any test results are to be recorded. Patterns can be identified, and any trends noticed to fix recurring issues at the very start. This will ensure effective utilization of resource time as well.

Why GRhombus Technologies?

GRhombus Technologies is a leading custom software development in the UK and among the reputed cyber security companies in the UK. Driven by passion, we have key partnerships with companies across the globe in different areas and thus have the capability to offer all-around solutions to customers. Our specialty lies in delivering tailor-made solutions for organizations, and we take pride in our collaborative approach and holistic thinking.

Our team of experts serve clients across Europe, UK, USA, Middle East, and we cherish our long-term relationships with them built on values, engaging solutions and trust. GRhombus Technologies Private Limited is a subsidiary of GRhombus Consulting. Have some security needs or questions? Contact us now!

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